​Mighty Principals
Goals are achieved when we are able to exercise enough influence over ourselves and the events of our lives so that things go our way. This is no accident or mere good fortune. Once you know where you want to go you can harness three of the strongest forces in the universe to get you there. These forces are Desire-Belief-Expectation.

To enhance Desire, visualize a positive end result of what you desire to happen.

Belief is the mental acceptance of some idea to be true. Beliefs play an enormous role in achieving goals. For example, this concept directly relates to us in the way that if a perspective business partner believes that he will achieve the positive results they are desiring, they will join our business.

Mental images can be changed. Anything that you believe is a problem is a product of a faulty belief. Change your belief - you'll change your action; change your action - you'll change your reality; changing your reality - changes YOU!

Expectations are based on outcome - expect only the best outcome.

Fear of failure exists only in the mind. Imagine no such thing as failure. Let's say, for example, someone opens a beauty salon. They do all right, but for some reason they don't make it, and they close. They continue to persist and open a second one. This salon reaches for the stars and succeeds. Would you say they had a failure and a success? Not so. It's actually one continuous time line starting with the first opening and concluding with the success. If it wasn't for what was learned during the time of the first salon there couldn't have been a success. Therefore -- there were no failures; only a learning experience and a successful outcome.

How does the "successful person" differ from the unsuccessful person? Attitude plays a vital role as well as creativity. Decide to be successful, decide to have a positive attitude, decide to be creative. Creativity leads to action. It's a source of energy. You can tap this energy source with some exploratory questions such as, "If I had no limitations, what direction would I go? What kind of person would I be? What kind of success mode would I be in?" Once you open yourself to that degree, you can visualize what you wouldn't have prior to taking your ceiling of limitations off your head.

Fear is something that we deal with on the phone as well as in person with people. At its base, fear is defined as a negative expectation. If you are not expecting something bad to happen, you cannot be fearful of it. Your mental image of fear can be changed by expecting something good to happen. Just like you're not necessarily afraid of flying; the fear lies in the crashing. The only guarantee in your life is that positive changes lead to positive results.

Helpful Tip
When it comes to sharing with others in person or on the phone it can help to see yourself as a consultant. Ask questions and find out what the other person is looking for and even if they are interested. Our job is to help others and to guide them. If someone is not interested that is fine. Wish them well and move on. There is no fear when you are simply trying to help others and to offer them something wonderful if they are open to it and if they are looking.

To realize the value of ONE YEAR: Ask a student who has failed a final exam.
To realize the value of ONE MONTH: Ask a mother who has given birth to a premature baby.
To realize the value of ONE WEEK: Ask an editor of a weekly newspaper.
To realize the value of ONE HOUR: Ask the lovers who are waiting to meet.
To realize the value of ONE MINUTE: Ask a person who has missed the train, bus, or plane.
To realize the value of ONE SECOND: Ask a person who has survived an accident.
To realize the value of ONE MILLISECOND: Ask the person who has won a silver medal in the Olympics.
Time waits for no one. Treasure every moment you have.

Expect the Best
What's exciting about life is that every morning offers a brand new day with unlimited possibilities. Yesterday's mistakes and regrets belong to yesterday. Today is a clean slate, a chance to start over, to do or become anything you want, a chance to go for it! So, jump into life with both feet! Go forward, head held high, expecting the best...you may be surprised at how often that's exactly what you'll get.